
Trade Policy

Want another book but don’t have any room on your shelf? We’re here to help! Bring in your books anytime for store credit. We also offer cash during certain times during the week. Please call to inquire available times. Our number is (916) 731-8001. Please note that we will not be able to offer cash during July 11 - 18, and September 23 - October 1, 2024 due to staff availability. Also, we kindly ask that you limit the amount of books you bring in per visit to 2 - 3 bags/boxes. If you have more than this, please call ahead to schedule a time to bring in your books.

Please refer to the guidelines below to help you save your back by only bringing in the books we are most likely to accept. We usually always take books purchased from Crawford's as long as they are still in good condition.   

Using Store Credit

Store credit may be utilized to purchase any used book inside the store. It may not be used to purchase new and clearance books, and games and sidelines. In order to keep our bookstore viable, there is always a minimum payment plus tax with each used book purchase. If your purchase is $10 or less, the minimum payment is $2. If your purchase is over $10, the minimum payment is $5. If your purchase is over $75, the minimum payment is $10. 


There are two types of readers: those who keep their books in like-new condition and those who bend, break, underline, and otherwise engage fully with their books! While we appreciate both types of readers, please note that we can only accept books in the first category.

Books in good quality must have both covers and spine intact. Pages must be free from underlining, highlighting, and all markups/stains. For popular fiction and mysteries, we only accept paperback unless the book is only available in hardback.

We accept all the following genres:

  • Art
  • California and US history
  • Children and Young Adult
  • Classic Literature, hardback and paperback
  • Cultural and ethnic studies
  • Cookbooks
  • Fiction, paperback
  • Graphic Novels
  • Manga
  • Military history
  • Mystery, paperback
  • Natural health
  • Religion and spirituality
  • Romance, paperback
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Westerns, paperback
  • Audiobooks

Due to space constraints and ability to resell, we do not accept any of the following genres:

  • Encyclopedias
  • Fiction, hardback
  • Magazines
  • National Geographic (books and magazines)
  • Reader’s Digest (books and magazines)
  • Textbooks
  • Trending Books with content that is no longer current such as Business, Computer, Decorating, Dieting and Nutrition, Fashion, Health, Politics, and Travel Guides.

In our time in the business, we’ve learned a thing or two about what people like reading and what books will stay on the shelf indefinitely. We aim to keep our community happy by keeping all the rights things on the shelves. So unfortunately, we have to say no to certain trades. Please know, this is no judgement on what you have to offer! We hope you understand that we make every effort to provide satisfying trades but cannot do so in all instances. We retain the right to inspect and accept books on a case-by-case basis.