Set in Spain during Franco's dictatorship in the 1950s, The Fountains of Silence tells the story of a young family struggling in a society that will not accept them because of their parents' beliefs. Julia understands she must be silent in order to survive. Anna must question everything, including why she is not allowed to leave Spain. And Rafa just wants to forget his painful past and have fun now. But having five mouths to feed makes some of these things impossible. Daniel has come to Spain for a family vacation, and with him he brought his camera. He hopes to capture the essence of Spain and submit his photos in a photography contest, but he learns that there may be more about Spain than what meets the eye.
By far Ruta Sepetys's best book, The Fountains of Silence will captivate anyone who read her other books, Between Shades of Grey, Out of the Easy, and Salt to the Sea. This historical fiction book will teach readers about a less well-known period in history. For ages 14 and up.