Shea's Bookshelf
Wild Boar in the Cane Field by Anniqua Rana
Wild Boar in the Cane Field follows the story of young Tara who, orphaned as a baby, is raised by the proprietress of a tiny village in Pakistan and her servant. Though there are strict customs regarding a woman’s life, Tara is brought up by two women who have seemingly found a loophole to live their lives by their own standards…
Nancy Drew series
When She Woke by Hillary Jordan
Read John Green: A Book Review
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
The Piano Shop on the Left Bank by Thad Carhart
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
A Tyranny of Petticoats, edited by Jessica Spotswood
The Displaced edited by Viet Thanh Nguyen
Eating Fire, Tasting Blood, edited by Marijo Moore
Being that Thanksgiving is a national holiday here in the US, it only seemed right that the first set of voices I highlighted were those of Native American authors…Eating Fire, Tasting Blood is an anthology of essays edited and written solely by Native American authors. Besides illuminating me to the history I never learned and introducing me to a new set of writers, this anthology provides a bibliography at the end of each essay which provides guidance towards further reading. Moore has catalogued the anthology into six categories…